Let's Talk Wellbeing - 5 ways to help yourself help yourself thriving wellbeing Dec 17, 2020

"Let's Talk Wellbeing" is a phrase by many NHS organisations to engage us all in the conversation about mental health. It's a serious topic.

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Pay It Forward hope invest in humanity pay it forward thriving Dec 10, 2020

Pay it forward is a simple concept. If someone helps you, instead of repaying them directly, you pass the generosity on to someone else....

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CPD - Thriving Through Continuous Professional Development continuous personal development continuous professional development cpd resilient self development thriving Dec 03, 2020

CPD (Continuous Personal or Professional Development) is a rarely discussed and critical ingredient to the success almost everyone achieves -...

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From Coping To Thriving change resilient coping to thriving hope Nov 26, 2020

When we have been struggling for a while it is easy to forget how wonderful it feels when everything is going well. We begin to settle for the...

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Don’t Just Find A Job – Find A Passion Nov 19, 2020

Very often the pressure is on when we lose our current job. We may have cashflow issues. Maybe we fear long-term unemployment. Or possibly, we have...

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Persistence – How’s Your Stickabilty? Nov 12, 2020

Persistence (or “Stickability” as I prefer to call it) is, in my opinion, the number 1 attribute of the Change Leader. Someone who...

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Networking – Transform Your Results Nov 05, 2020

Many people approach Networking from the wrong end, anticipating what they can get from their new contacts. But, before you can Gain from your...

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Goals – Turning Dreams Into Reality Oct 29, 2020

What dreams do you have right now? Have you thought about turning them into Goals? This can be a life-changing habit.

I know for many of my...

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The 3 Steps To Boosting Your Income, Your Career and Your Life Oct 22, 2020

Let me start by saying that not everyone is looking to boost their income or advance their career. In fact, many people are looking for something...

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The things we worry about Oct 15, 2020


One of my favourite statements I’ve heard this year is;

“Worrying is praying for an outcome we do not want.”

Many of the...

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You Are What You Eat change mindset change resilient change your mindset Oct 08, 2020

What do you digest on a daily basis? Your Shopping List provides insights into how you value your physical health, but what are you doing to...

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How To Grow Exponentially With Multiple Perspectives change mindset change resilient change your mindset Oct 01, 2020

“Human nature seems to endow people with the ability to size up everybody in the world but themselves.”
– John C. Maxwell...

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