Why Is A Growth Mindset Important?

career change change mindset growth mindset help yourself Jan 14, 2021
Why is a growth mindset important?

Ever since Carol Dweck published her influential book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, in 2007, it is impossible to talk about success, in any field, without the word "mindset" coming up at some point. In particular, Dweck highlights the value of a Growth Mindset, but why is a growth mindset important and what is it anyway?

What is a Growth Mindset?

A Growth Mindset is one that is open to possibility. The assumption behind it, is that everyone has potential that can be developed. We are all capable of improving with practice and learning from experience. In short, it boils down to effort. If we are willing to put in the hard work to acquire a new skill, to exploit our talent reserves or overcome setbacks, then we will grow. If we see every failure as a terminal outcome or give up when the going gets tough, we will experience little progress.

In some ways this seems almost self-explanatory. Of course our performance will improve if we spend the time refining our skills! However, despite the the huge amount of data supporting the need for effort to propel performance, human beings resist and seek easier paths to achieve their goals. This human preference enables sellers of shortcuts and quick fixes to make a very profitable living!

What does a Growth Mindset do for us?

If nothing else, being open to the idea that "better" is "possible", stimulates desire and motivation. Just how much a Growth Mindset will do for us is the subject of a lot of discussion. Indeed, Marc Effron , author of 8 Steps to High Performance, recently argued that there are two elements of our make-up (intelligence and personality) which do influence the level of success we will achieve (Does Growth Mindset Actually Work? Talent Quarterly 2020). However, everyone agrees it is possible for anyone to improve and, so far, no-one has identified the upper limit for any particular individual. Probably because history is littered with stories of individuals proving experts wrong when they have attempted to assert what they could or could not achieve!

Ultimately, our progress will be down to what's in our hearts, in our minds and in our hands.

This week's video is all about how we develop a Growth Mindset and make the most of all the talents we possess.

The Importance of a Growth Mindset over a career

Having established what a Growth Mindset is, the core benefits and how to acquire one, let's consider how it can support us throughout our careers. Here are just four ways, off the top of my head, I think it is incredibly useful. Feel free to add any that spring to mind for you below.

  1. It keeps you in learning mode - It can be challenging to stay motivated when you find yourself doing something you've done dozens of times before. However, a quick glance around and you will see opportunities to improve the way the work is done or make the work at least a little more pleasurable! Get involved, ask questions, your curiosity will stimulate change. On that topic...
  2. It will identify you as a Change Maker - Most people accept their circumstances, and any accompanying drawbacks, with little resistance. A Change Maker is someone who looks at their circumstances and curiously wonders,"How could this be better?" This approach to work is invaluable and will boost your reputation.
  3. It will help you spot opportunities - The open-minded nature of someone with a Growth Mindset will make few assumptions. Consequently, when opportunities arise, they follow up and seek to understand the best possible outcome. Many great opportunities come disguised as hard work!
  4. It will enable you to persist - Persistence is a critical attribute when it comes to achieving our goals. If you have an attitude that accepts the need to maintain consistent effort and an indomitable spirit, then who knows what you can achieve? Read any biography of an achiever in their field and you will find all the evidence you need - hard work was always involved.

What do you think? How has a Growth Mindset helped you in your career, or any other area of your life? Let me know in the comments below. Be sure to subscribe and grab your free copy of my new ebook too - The Time Of Your Life.