Persistence – How’s Your Stickabilty?

Nov 12, 2020

Persistence (or “Stickability” as I prefer to call it) is, in my opinion, the number 1 attribute of the Change Leader. Someone who sticks to the task, even when the results are not showing up, is someone that inspires others and makes change happen!

Stickability is a mindset more than a skillset. As Les Brown would say, it’s understanding that “it ain’t over until you win”! Persistence can be difficult, especially if people around you are expecting to see results or, even more challenging, are wondering why you are still going. It’s at times like these that we need to remind ourselves of a few key things;

  • It’s not all about results – just like when we were discussing Goals in this blog, sometimes the best result is not achieving the stated outcome, but what we learn along the way.
  • Setting a deadline is not setting a time to stop – we don’t always have all the data when we set our goals. As we step forward we get feedback and that feedback may indicate more time is needed, or the original deadline was too ambitious.
  • Stickability is a muscle of  the mind – the path of least resistance can lure you into giving up, but if you persist, you train the mind to be more resourceful, which will help you many times in the future..

Thoughts like these will, at the very least, make you pause for thought. That may be all you need to keep going.

Persistence explained…with a donkey

Take a look at this video to hear more about Stickability and a story about a donkey . In particular, listen out for insights on;

  • The 5 key guidelines for success, as expressed by some of the most prolific networkers in the world.
  • How a switch of mindset can change every networking encounter.

I hope you enjoyed the video. Please Subscribe to the YouTube channel to tune into my regular updates. Also, ask a question in the Chat if there is a particular topic you would like me to explore.

Meanwhile, take a few minutes to consider how you respond to setbacks or challenges, are you persistent? Give yourself a mark out of 10 for your personal levels of persistence. If it is not 10, what would need to change for it to become a 10? Capture some notes in your journal, your diary or your phone.

Finally, here’s a short book on the whole topic – Stickability by George S. Reid from the Napoleon Hill Foundation.

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Leaders are not only required to cope with change but to create the environment in which everyone can thrive. Simon's keynote presentations and whole audience facilitation events enable you and your organisation to transform and emerge as centres for inclusivity, agility and compassion. Get in touch to discuss your challenges.