What To Do With Your One Life Nov 18, 2021
I've got some good news and I've got some bad news for you. The bad news is, we've only got one life but the good news is, you've got a choice...
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How To Set Goals For Yourself carwash dynamic time management energy management goal setting goals neuro science serendipity simon phillips tcm story Nov 11, 2021

How to set goals for yourself and, more importantly, how to stick to them, is a challenge as old as time.

A Very Old Story

Imagine; you're sitting...

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Dynamic Time Management - an approach for our time change maker toolkit dynamic time management lockdown effect new book simon phillips tcm time management Nov 04, 2021

"Does the world really need another time management book?"

Dynamic Time Management was an early morning thought. It was the latest in a...

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What Kind Of Change Maker Are You? The Play Maker change maker orchestrator play maker simon phillips simon phillips tcm team player the gc index Oct 28, 2021

This is the first in a mini-series of blogs asking the question, "What kind of Change Maker are you?"

It's a really important question....
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How Anxiety Affects The Body anxiety benedict cumberbatch overcoming anxiety phantom menace plot twists stop worrying symptoms of stress Oct 21, 2021

The 8 commonly accepted signs of anxiety in the body are;

  • headache.
  • insomnia or other sleep issues (waking up frequently, for example)
  • pounding...
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Curiosity Of A Child Oct 14, 2021

"I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity."


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Challenging The Status Quo challenge challenging the status quo confrontation judith germain maverick paradox the change show thinking Sep 30, 2021

"It sounds so nice, what you're proposin'
Just once or twice, and not disclosin'
And not disclosin' how we're really really feelin'"

Not exactly the...

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Perfection Is The Enemy Of Good 80/20 rule enemy of good excellence good enough integrity test pareto's law perfection performance mindset Sep 23, 2021

Perfection is nothing more than a figment of your imagination. Especially when it comes to human endeavour.

I'll admit, there have been times when,...

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Is Communication A Process? clarity communication diamond strategy emotion empathy influence influencing skills personal responsibility process simonphillipstcm whatsapp Sep 09, 2021

"Great communication begins with connection" - Oprah Winfrey

Without connecting, your words will go unheard. Without connecting we cannot enter...

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The Change Show on KLDROnline Radio 70's 80's 90's classic hits kldr leadership development radio simon phillips talk radio the change show Sep 02, 2021

"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no-one ever come to you without leaving happier." - Mother Teresa

The Change Show on the Radio

This week's blog...

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Jobsworth or Stickler? clarity communication customer satisfaction jobsworth or stickler? team leadership teamwork Aug 26, 2021

"To achieve major success in life, you must accept 100% responsibility." Jack Canfield 

Encountering a Jobsworth

This week I had the dubious...

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Team Leadership - the AEIOU of leading great teams aeiou align culture of we energy helen keller quote inclusivity john c.maxwell nasa organise simon phillips tcm team leadership Aug 19, 2021

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much" - Helen Keller

Team Leadership - a Framework for Success

Einstein said, "Everything should...

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