What To Do With Your One Life
Nov 18, 2021
The Big Problem
- They feel like their job just takes over and overwhelms their life.
- They feel like they have to do certain things in order to make money in order to maintain a lifestyle.
- They feel like they no longer have control over their time.
Quite often they'll say that's because of all their responsibilities. They feel responsible for children, responsible for partners, responsible for parents. It doesn't really matter what they feel responsible for, they wear it like a 10 tonne weight on their shoulders.
Finally, more and more people are talking about this sense of living in chaos. Covid hasn't helped on this one, but before that there were other macro challenges on a global scale that people took very personally. They couldn't see their way through that to design a life that they would really love.
The Choice Is Real
Despite the protestations, we all have choices. Some are less palatable than others, but acknowledging we are choosing is the first step to regaining our confidence.
Let's have a look at the money side of things. Quite often I'm working with people who are at various key milestones in their careers, trying to work out what do I do next? I've got this much income currently, I need to be earning at least that, if not more, with my next job. However, when we sit down and look at the numbers we often see a different story. We assess the outgoings, we look at how much money they need to earn to maintain their current lifestyle and then we look at the lifestyle and ask, "Is that what you want to preserve for the next decade? Or, is there something else that you'd like to have in the mix?"
Lifestyles come at a price, but not every lifestyle costs the same? Once we've looked at all the numbers, people start to see opportunities and maybe some different ways of doing things.
There are millions of ways to make money. There are millions of ways of doing something that will be fulfilling. Once you understand that, you stop worrying about the job that you have, secure in the knowledge you could leave tomorrow and find some work by the end of the day. Now, that work may not be exactly what you're doing now. It may not be in the same field. It may not be at the same level of income, but I can guarantee you'll find something to do while you're working out what you really want to do.
However, I'm not suggesting you have to leave your current job, but while you're there, you can look around. It's always easier to find a job when you're in a job.
The Lure of Safety
When we look at what's holding people back, why are they choosing to stay locked within a job, a routine, a lifestyle or a career they loathe, what's behind their choices is a desire for safety. It's a desire for security. A desire for assurance and predictability.
The key is to recognise what we're doing when we stay feeling stuck. We are making a choice. We've already made choices to stay where we are, to do what we're doing currently. This is our seed of opportunity.
- Live
- Love
- Learn and
- Leave one legacy.
This is a framework you can use to access your subconscious brain. We ask ourselves, "What would I truly love to do if I had all the time and all the money in the world?"
I know for many of you that's going to sound like some mad dream but stick with me because this works.
Format this as a sort of mind map, starting with you in the middle and branching out. Let your mind roam, free it up, there's no constraints. I talk about the framework in a lot more detail in my new book Dynamic Time Management but effectively all we're doing is accessing information that's been locked away, maybe an old dream, a forgotten ambition or a lost cause.