Dealing with Personal Change belief change mindset dealing with personal change inspired life simonphillipstcm Dec 16, 2021

Dealing with Personal Change

I was asked a great question today during an interview for a webinar. “As the Change Man, were you inspired to...

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Does Work Life Balance Matter? change mindset does work life balance matter? work-life balance Jun 25, 2021


(Phew, that was easy!)

Oh, but wait. Feeling like life is balanced matters, but not in the way we think it does.

Work Life Balance is...

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Why Is A Growth Mindset Important? career change change mindset growth mindset help yourself Jan 14, 2021

Ever since Carol Dweck published her influential book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, in 2007, it is impossible...

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Pivot To A New Career career change change mindset help yourself pivot Jan 07, 2021

Pivot To A New Career was inspired by the use of the word pivot everywhere we turned in 2020. It has become the new word for "change". We heard...

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You Are What You Eat change mindset change resilient change your mindset Oct 08, 2020

What do you digest on a daily basis? Your Shopping List provides insights into how you value your physical health, but what are you doing to...

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How To Grow Exponentially With Multiple Perspectives change mindset change resilient change your mindset Oct 01, 2020

“Human nature seems to endow people with the ability to size up everybody in the world but themselves.”
– John C. Maxwell...

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Is That All You've Got? Combatting Uncertainty change mindset change resilient change your mindset Sep 24, 2020

I found myself staring at the floor, lost in thought or, more accurately, lost in non-thought. My mind was indeed blank. Nothing in my brain could...

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How to Bust Through Uncertainty change mindset change resilient change your mindset uncertainty-busting matrix Sep 17, 2020

It is incredibly easy to look at a crisis and see only the downside problems and risks. Indeed, as lockdowns continue across the world,...

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Are You Being Kind To Yourself? change mindset change resilient change your mindset coaching fail fast Sep 10, 2020

How often do you berate yourself? Tell yourself off for being an idiot / always being late / putting your foot in it / wishing you’d not said...

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