What Kind Of Change Maker Are You? The Play Maker change maker orchestrator play maker simon phillips simon phillips tcm team player the gc index Oct 28, 2021

This is the first in a mini-series of blogs asking the question, "What kind of Change Maker are you?"

It's a really important question....
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Be A Bridge Builder be a bridge builder change maker connector leader Jul 29, 2021

"If you want to be a leader, be a bridge" - Welsh Proverb

I came across a collection of Welsh stories recently written in the 1300's.

They're a...

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Jeff Bezos - Change Maker amazon blue origin change maker elon musk jeff bezos mark bezos oliver daemen richard branson wally funk Jul 22, 2021

Jeff Bezos, the Founder of Amazon and the richest person on the planet, is also a Change Maker and here's why:

Jeff Bezos' Change Maker Mindset


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Do Your Best best effort change maker do you best mindset simonphillipstcm the power of now usain bolt quote May 20, 2021

"Goals don't come without a price. Time, effort, sacrifice and sweat. How will you pay for your goals?" - Usain Bolt


My youngest son is in...

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