Overthinking or Self Sabotage?

assumption indecision indecisive meaningful over think overthinking pragmatism prioritisation self sabotage self sabotaging Apr 29, 2021

"Overthinking is the habit of applying analytical thinking and problem-solving in a situation where it is unhelpful or unproductive."

- Nick Wignall, Clinical Psychologist


Overthinking is an insidious foe. It can also be a close ally of one of the Communication Barriers I identified recently - Assumption.

I use the word insidious because, like all habits, we often don't sense it developing until, one day, we find ourselves unable to make the most simple of decisions.

Indecision isn't the only challenge either;

  • We can be slow to deliver anything, as we endlessly polish in the vain search of perfection.
  • Our self-esteem can be impacted as we watch others claim the accolades while we sit in hesitation.
  • Ultimately, all of this stress and anxiety can lead to low-level depression, further inhibiting progress.

Overthinking Through The Eyes Of Others

To others, overthinking can look even worse. As well as frustrating those who wish to move things forward quickly, sharing the details of your overthinking can look and sound like fear or, potentially more harmfully, excuses for non-delivery.

In a team environment, people depend on their colleagues to both contribute and deliver. Both of these can be undermined by overthinking.

Eventually, the over-thinker becomes invisible. Their contributions are perceived as "white noise" because they are not making a vital contribution.

The issue for the over-thinker is that, usually, this perception does not align with their real intent.

The Origins of Overthinking

Overthinking often stems from a huge history of praise. From early childhood to our emergence from schools, colleges and universities, we are applauded when we think things through thoroughly. Academic rigour and detailed logic underpin all academic achievement.

Equally, societal norms value a thoughtful and considered approach to our fellow human beings. Thinking about our impact on others and being measured in our responses, are seen as the hallmarks of a decent person.

No surprise then that, left unchecked, this can develop into full-blown overthinking.

The missing ingredient for people suffering from the habit of overthinking is pragmatism. Pragmatism underpins all forms of prioritisation.

To prioritise, you have to make decisions about the things you are doing in relation to each other. You have to think about the balance between quality and time available.

When Overthinking Becomes Self Sabotage

If any of the issues I've listed above are new to you, then the game is up!

Continuing to overthink (without seeking to address it as a recognisable issue) transforms this habit into self sabotage!

Once you know that overthinking can negatively impact your reputation, harm your prospects and even lead to low levels of anxiety and depression, it is no longer an invisible monster.

It's time to change.

Seeking help with overthinking is actually very straightforward with the solution being rooted in the depth and scale of the problem.

  • Low level overthinking, where it feels like more of an annoyance than a major issue can be discussed and explored with a coach or a mentor.
  • Deep rooted overthinking that potentially has its origins in early childhood are best discussed with a qualified psychologist.

For a visual review of this issue, check out the associated YouTube episode :

If overthinking is sabotaging your career or your closest relationships, get in touch via any social media route:

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