Goals – Turning Dreams Into Reality

Oct 29, 2020

What dreams do you have right now? Have you thought about turning them into Goals? This can be a life-changing habit.

I know for many of my clients, thoughts of a new job or a whole career change have been put on the back burner while they see what unravels around them, but this can be a mistake (at least in the long run). They say, in a year’s time you will be glad you started today and the same is true when we consider our dreams and goals. Life is not a dress-rehearsal, when it comes to our personal growth, we need to be turning up every day as if it is vital. To do that, we have to create some urgency around our dreams if they are to become our reality – and we can do that through setting Goals.

Watch my new video to hear more about this and particularly;

  • Why Goals are the critical link between what sits in our heads as Dreams and the Reality we wish to create.
  • The main reason most people never achieve their Goals (this is so simple to fix).
  • Why achieving our Goals is not always the best outcome.
  • THE most important reason why having and working on Goals is critical to our personal and professional development.

I hope you enjoyed the video. Please Subscribe to the YouTube channel to tune into my regular updates and ask a question in the Chat if there is a particular topic you would like me to explore.

Meanwhile, spend some time this week thinking about the last goal you really pursued; what did you learn about yourself? What would you do differently if you were tackling a similar issue in the future? Capture some notes in your journal, your diary or your phone and then have a quick read of this blog on the three most important characteristics we need to develop to achieve any goal we may set ourselves.

If you’re looking for some inspiration on the power of pursuing your goals, here’s a selection of stories wonderfully curated on The Muse – enjoy!

I hope you are enjoying these small blogs. My aim is to provide ideas, insights and inspiration to help you tackle the many changes we experience in life. Subscribe today and join our growing community of change makers who never miss a blog. Right now, you can also get a FREE COPY of my new eBook “The Time Of Your Life” just for signing up with us. It’s my gift to you for making a micro commitment to your own journey. Just tell us your name and best email address and we’ll get you the book immediately. Join us here.

Making Change Your Friend

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Leaders are not only required to cope with change but to create the environment in which everyone can thrive. Simon's keynote presentations and whole audience facilitation events enable you and your organisation to transform and emerge as centres for inclusivity, agility and compassion. Get in touch to discuss your challenges.