Going Purpose not Going Public

change makers going public patagonia purpose purpose-driven purpose-led values yvon chouinard Sep 25, 2022
Purpose word cloud

The founder of the outdoor clothing giant Patagonia, Yvon Chouinard has given away his business.

Who do you think he gave it to? Where does your mind instantly go? A family member, a long-term collaborator?

Nope. He’s given it away to a Charitable Trust.

“Earth is now our only shareholder,” Chouinard, 83, said in a message to staff and customers. “Instead of ‘going public’, you could say we’re ‘going purpose’.

Chouinard joins a growing list of billionaires giving away their worldly wealth.

He also joins a global list of people who’s values are changing. 

Wherever you look, you will see people starting purpose-led businesses. You’ll hear people singing while they serve their local communities. You’ll see people smiling while they reach out to close friends and family and offer their support, even if it’s just a listening ear. You’ll feel people sharing their love for all of nature’s living creatures. You’ll connect with people who believe deeply that without We there is no Me.


You see, you do not need to be a billionaire to make a difference. In fact, you can literally make a world of difference to one person; and that person may well be beyond the reach of the philanthropy of the billionaires.

As everyone who has ever held someone with a broken heart, money is not the solution for every problem.

It's what's behind the solution that's important. It is the love of the Change Maker which makes the difference. Love is the element which democratises the ability of human beings to make an impact. Whether you are rich or poor, your ability to love another adds value to their life and adds purpose to yours.

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